
Ming Zhu

Positions: Research Professor
Academic Title: Research Professor
Mailing Address: Ming Zhu
Education and Career History

1995 – 2001   Ph.D  in Radio Astronomy,  University of Toronto, Canada
1994 – 1995   M.Sc  in Astronomy,  University of Toronto, Canada
1988 - 1991    M.Sc  in Astrophysics,  Peking University, Beijing, China
1984 – 1988   B.Sc   in Mathematics, Peking University, Beijing, China
20003.09 – 2009.12, Associate Research Officer, Hertzberg Institute of Astrophysics, National Research Council Canada,  posted at the Joint Astronomy Centre, Hilo Hawaii, USA, as a Support Scientist for the JCMT
20002.09 – 2003.06, Research Associate, Dept. of Astronomy, University of Toronto
1999.05 – 2002.09,  Software Engineer,   Systemware Innovation Inc., Toronto, Canada
1994.09 – 1999.05,  Teaching Assistant,  Dept of Astronomy, University of Toronto,
1991.07 – 1994.08,  Research  Associate, Center for Space Science and Applied Research,      Beijing, China

Research Fields

HI survey of the local universe; HI deep mapping of the cosmic web and intergalactic gas; HI absorption line studies; multi-wavelength studies of interacting galaxies, starburst galaxies; star formation, ISM and molecular clouds.  Radio,  FIR and MIR spectral line/continuum imaging/observations. Astronomy software, automated data processing and analysis. Database, data mining technologies and their application in astronomy.

Currently I focus on the pilot study of a large scale HI survey of the local universe with the FAST telescope. As a member of the JCMT legacy survey, I am also involved in a number of projects that use the JCM to study the nearby star formation regions, nearby galaxies and  massive star formation regions in the Galactic plane.


Selected Publication

(1) A Massive Protostar Embedded in the SCUBA core JCMT18354-0649S, Zhu, M., Davis, C.J., Y. Wu, Whitney, B., Robitaille, T.& Peng, R. 2011, ApJ, 739, 53
(2) Tracing Molecular Gas Mass in Extreme Extragalactic Environments: An Observational Study,
 Zhu, M., Papadopoulos, P.P.,  Xilouris, M., Kuno, N. & Lisenfeld, U. 2009 ApJ 706, 941
(3) Gas and Dust in the Taffy Galaxies: Ugc12914/15  Zhu, M., Gao, Y. Seaquist, E.R. and Dunne, L. 2007, , AJ 134, 118
(4)  The Discovery of a Massive SCUBA Core with both Inflow and Outflow Motions, Wu, Y., Zhu, M., Wei, Y., Xu, D., Zhang, Q., and Fiege, J., 2005, ApJ 628, L57
(5) Star Formation Across the Taffy Bridge: UGC 12914/15 Gao, Y., Zhu, M., and Seaquist, E.R., 2003, , AJ 126, 2171
(6) A Multitransition CO Study of the Antennae Galaxies NGC 4038/9,  Zhu, M., Seaquist, E.R., and Kuno, N., 2003, ApJ 588, 243
(7) Molecular Gas in Strongly Interacting Galaxies. I. CO (1-0) Observations,   Zhu, M., Seaquist, E.R., Davoust, E., Frayer, D.T., and Bushouse, H.A., 1999, AJ 118, 145