Post-Doctoral Research Position Announcement: EACOA & EAO Fellowships 2018

The East Asian Core Observatories Association (EACOA) and The East Asian Observatory (EAO) jointly announce an opportunity for highly qualified individuals to apply for EACOA and EAO postdoctoral fellowships, starting in 2018, to conduct research in all branches of astronomy and astrophysics. The EACOA is an alliance of four major astronomical research institutions in East Asia dedicated to promoting regional research cooperation. Member institutes of the EACOA are: the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Science (NAOC), the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), Korean Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), and Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA).The EAO (East Asian Observatory) is a non-profit Hawaii corporation located at Hilo, Hawaii, which is formed by EACOA for the purpose of pursuing joint projects in astronomy within the East Asian region. The EAO currently operates The James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) at MaunaKea, Hawaii.


EACOA Fellowship:


The EACOA Fellowship is a full-time appointment with a fixed term of three years (non extendable). Successful candidates are expected to develop independent research programs as well as to integrate with the existing activities at the EACOA member institutes. During the period of the appointment, Fellows should be in residence in at least two EACOA member institutions of their choice, with at least one year at each of these host institutes.


Applicants are asked to propose at least two prospective host institutions based on their research programs. As part of the application material, endorsement letters from research staffs at the respective host institutions are required.


In case of uneven geographical distributions for recruited fellows, the EACOA/EAO Selection Committee will discuss with potential candidates to change his or her choice of Host Institution at the time of recruitment.


A list of the current EACOA fellows can be found at the EACOA Fellowship web page

Please see EACOA web site at for detailed information. The EACOA Fellowship is open to applicants of any nationality, who have obtained their PhD in Astronomy or equivalent degree in related fields within 5 years prior to the start of the fellowship tenure. For the year 2018, a monthly stipend of US$5,000 will be paid as a fellowship award and relocation expenses will be provided by the EACOA through NAOC. Research funds and travel support will be provided by the host institutes.


EAO Fellowship:


Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position to work at the East Asian Observatory (EAO) at Hilo, Hawaii. Applicants should have a PhD in astronomy, astrophysics, or a closely related field, and they should ideally have experience with observational data handling, analysis, and interpretation, as well as preferably radio/mm observations. The appointment will be for a period of 3 years. The EAO fellow is expected to spend 50% of his/her time supporting the EAO operations. The fellow will have the opportunity to work with the researchers at the EAO, as well as the researchers at the EACOA member institutes.


Applicants should send their CV, publication list, and a research statement stating their interests and motivation for the position. Please see EACOA web site at detailed information. The EAO Fellowship is open to applicants of any nationality who can legally stay and work at the EAO, Hilo, Hawaii, USA. For the year 2018, a monthly stipend of US$5,000 will be paid as a fellowship award and relocation expenses will be provided by the EACOA through NAOC.


For both the EACOA and EAO Fellows, regardless of the Fellows’ resident institutes, they have equal opportunity to access all research facilities run by the EACOA member institutes, e.g. ALMA, LAMOST, Subaru Telescope, SMA, JCMT.

Two EACOA Fellowships and one EAO Fellowship will be awarded in 2018. Applicants should submit their application documents and materials electronically as specified in the application instructions on the EACOA site. Applications must include letters of endorsement from the host scientists confirming the research project. Full applications must be submitted before or on 15 November 2017 (at 24:00 hour UT).


The EACOA institutes and the EAO are actively committed to equal opportunity in employment.


Email Address for Inquiries: