From June 17 to June 19, Xiangshan Science Conference (XSSC) entitled“Radio Spectroscopy based on Large Ground Telescopes and Space Satellites” (the 501stworkshop of XSSC series) was convened atXiangshan Hotel, Beijing. The three day conference drew together more than 40 researchers from up to 20 institutes and universities involvingradio astronomy, star formation, cosmology, space exploration, high performance computing, radar engineering and scientific research management.
This conference was co-chaired by Rendong Nan, Di Li and Xuelei Chen from NAOC, Na Wang from XAO and Shengcai Shi from PMO. Dr. Nan presented a key-note review of major Chinese radio astronomy projects, including 65m Tianma Telescope, Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST), 100m QiTaiTelescope (QTT), Tianlai Array, 21-CentiMeter Array (21CMA), COsmology and MoleculeExplorer (COME), etc.
Under the theme of Radio Spectroscopy Based on Large Ground-based Telescopes and Space Satellites, experts and scholars had in-depth discussions on how to employ cutting-edge technology to build world-class laboratories for radio spectroscopy, maintain the high efficiency of large radio equipment, and explore the frontiers of radio astronomy. Some insights and inspirations gained in the discussion willbenefit science definition of large radio instruments, improving key technologies, and enhancing Chinese innovation capacities in radio astronomy for the coming decade.

Group photo

Executive co-chairs

Key-note review report –Rendong Nan