The Sino-French “LIA-ORIGINS” Workshop 2014 was held on Oct 21-24, 2014, in National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC).
The main topic of this workshop is "Dark Matter: Astrophysical and Experimental Constraints", and went into details in the following aspects: 1) Dark matter probes at different astronomical scales ; 2) Nature of the Dark Matter, DM Particle candidates; 3) Direct and indirect detection of DM. 4) Future Observations and instrumentation. 5) History of the DM problem since Zwicky.
Around 90 participants joint the workshop including those from Pairs-Meudon Observatory, Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille of Marseille Université, Université Paris VI, Université Paris Diderot - Paris VII, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Advanzati (SISSA), The University of New South Wales, NAOC, Tsinghua University, Institute of High Energy Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Peking University, KIAA-PKU, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai Normal University, Purple Mountain Observatory, China University of Science and Technology of China, and Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Also the following person take part in the workshop: the French Embassy counselor of science and technology Norbert Paluch and Technology Specialist Sophie de Bentzmann, officer of CNRS at Beijing Karine Xie, the International Cooperation Bureau for Europe Affairs of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Xiaofeng Lu, the NAOC Director Jun Yan and the deputy Directors Jinxin Hao and Suijian Xue, the Director of Tsinghua Center for Astrophysics Prof. Charling Tao, the Chinese director of LIA-ORIGINS Xiangping Wu, and the French director of LIA-ORIGINS Francois Hammer.
The Sino-French Workshop “ORIGINS” have been held six times since 2004. The first workshop was held in Les Treilles of France, in March, 2004; the second at Beijing of China in 2005; the third at Paris of France in 2007; the fourth at Tongling of China in 2009; the fifth at La Londe Les Maures of France in 2010. After discussion, the workshop in 2014 was held in Beijing of China and organized by NAOC and co-organized by Tsinghua University. The National Natural Sciences Foundation of China and the Pilot B project of CAS “The Emergency of Cosmological Structure: from the Milk Way to the Deep Universe” supported this workshop. And it has also been listed in the series of ceremony for the 50 anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relation between China and France.
The Sino-French Joint Lab (LIA-ORIGINS) was established on October 22, 2008 in NAOC, and the cooperative agreements was updated in Oct 2013 for next five years. Since the establishment, the LIA provide both sides various support for the cooperations, for examples, the short and long visits for French and Chinese researchers to visit their collaborators in the other country, postdoc Positions, joint-training of graduated students, the annual Sino-French workshops. The cooperation concerned both of science researches and instruments, and have achieved plenty of progress, which promote the research activities. This workshop promotes the vigorous development of Sino-French "LIA-ORIGINS" laboratory, and further promote the bilateral cooperation, especially the in-depth cooperation in the dark matter cosmology research field.
The website of LIA-ORINGS is and the website of this workshop is where the presentations will be put online.