Visit by the delegation of Australian consulate to FAST

On December 13, 2017, the delegation of Australian consulate visited the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope(FAST)site, and investigated the 19-beam receiver cooperated by China and Australia just arrived at FAST site.


Prof. Peng Bo, the vice manager of FAST project, gave a brief introduction on FAST history, scientific objects, and astronomical cooperation between China and Australia. The scientists from both sides all expect that it will further promote astronomical cooperation between the two sides including joint projects, observations and researches. They also visited the bottom of the depression, the 19-beam receiver lab, and the control room.


During the visit, correspondents from Australian Broadcasting Corporation(ABC) television interviewed Prof. George Hobbs from CSIRO, Mr. Paul Doherty (Australian mechanical engineer), Drs. FAN Jin and LIU Hongfei from NAOC on 19-beam receiver and on FAST.


Mr. ZHANG Qingquan, Chief Public Information Officer, Bureau of International Cooperation, CAS, Ms. WANG Dongyao, Deputy Director, Division of American and Oceanian Affairs, Bureau of International Cooperation, CAS, Prof. LI Di, Vice Chief Engineer of FAST project, and Dr. CHEN Xiaoyan, Associate Professor, International Cooperation Department, NAOC also joined the visit.