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- Lunar-based Ultraviolet Telescope study of the well-known Algol-type binary TW Dra06 01, 2016
- Numerical simulation of the Moon’s rotation in a rigorous relativistic framework06 01, 2016
- Operation of the jet feedback mechanism (JFM) in intermediate luminosity optical transients (ILOTs)06 01, 2016
- Identification of candidate millisecond pulsars from Fermi LAT observations06 01, 2016
- Rescuing the intracluster medium of NGC 581306 01, 2016
- Preliminary numerical simulation of mirror seeing for the Chinese Future Giant Telescope06 01, 2016
- South Galactic Cap u-band Sky Survey (SCUSS): Project Overview04 07, 2016
- The orbital phase resolved spectroscopy of X-ray binary 4U 1822–371 with Suzaku04 07, 2016
- A low-mass-ratio and deep contact binary as the progenitor of the merger V1309 Sco04 07, 2016
- Photometric studies of two W UMa type variables in the field of distant open cluster NGC 686604 07, 2016
- Contribution of the Earth’s gravitational potential to variations in orbital motion of short-period comets04 07, 2016
- Structures of GMC W 3704 07, 2016