
Baolin Tan

Positions: Professor
Academic Title: Professor
Mailing Address: Baolin Tan
Education and Career History


1983.9-1987.6, B.S. in Geology, China University of Geology in Wuhan

2000.9-2003.6, M.S. in Nuclear Fusion Plasma Physics, South-western Institute of Physics, Chengdu

2004.2-2006.6, PhD in Astrophysics, Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Purple Mountain Observatory of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing)

Career History:

1987.6-1995.8, Assistant Engineer, Metallurgical Geological Prospecting Bureau in Shandong

1995.8-2000.8, Engineer, Metallurgical Geological Prospecting Bureau in Shandong

2003.6-2004.2, Assistant Prof., Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu

2006.6-2015.4, Associate Prof., National Astronomical Observatories of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing

2015.4-present, Prof., National Astronomical Observatories of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing.

Research Fields

Solar radio astronomy: physics of solar radio spectral fine structures, solar small-scale bursts and the related turbulence, precursors of solar flares, particle accelerations

Plasma astrophysicsSolar and stellar coronal heating mechanism, triggering mechanism of astro-plasma instabilities and energy release processes, physics of multi-timescale solar cycles 


I demonstrated a series of solar microwave QPP, zebra patterns, revised type IIIs, and small-scale microwave bursts, and proposed theoretical models of tearing-mode oscillation in current-carrying flaring loops to explain these observations.

I also investigated the solar cycles with multi-timescale, including the 11-year, 51.5 year, and 103 year, and proposed that these periodicities dominated the forthcoming solar cycles.

I proposed a theoretical model of magnetic-gradient pumping (MGP) to explain the coronal heating and the formation of solar jets.

Selected Publication

Tan B.L., Yu Z.Q., Huang J., Tan C.M., & Zhang Y., Very Long-period Pulsations before the Onset of Solar Flares, 2016, ApJ, 833, 206

Tan B.L., Karlicky M., Meszarosova H. & Huang G.L., Diagnose physical conditions near the flare energy-release sites from observations of solar microwave Type III bursts, 2016, RAA, 16,74

Tan B.L., Coronal Heating Driven by Magnetic-gradient Pumping Mechanism in Solar Plasmas, 2014, ApJ, 795, 140

Tan B.L., Small Scale Microwave Bursts in Long-duration Solar Flares, 2013, ApJ, 773, 165

Tan B.L. & Tan C.M., Microwave quasi-periodic pulsation with millisecond bursts in a solar flare on 2011 August 9, 2012, ApJ, 749, 28

Tan B.L., Multi-timescale Solar Cycles and their Possible Implications, 2011, Ap&SS, 332, 65

Tan B.L., A Physical Explanation on Solar Microwave Zebra Pattern with the Current-carrying Plasma Loop Model, 2010, Ap&SS, 325, 251

Tan B.L., Observable Parameters and Their Possible Implications of the Solar Microwave Pulsating Structures, 2008, Sol. Phys., 253,117