Positions: | Professor |
Academic Title: | Professor |
E-mail: | tww@bao.ac.cn |
Mailing Address: | Wenwu Tian |
1992 -- 1996: Ph. D. in Astrophysics, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences & NAO, Beijing, Advisor: Prof. R.D. Nan
1994 -- 1995: Ph. D. student, Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe (JIVE), Dwingeloo
Advisor: Prof. R. Schilizzi
1996 -- now: Astronomer, National Astronomical Observatories.
Radio Astronomy and High Energy Astrophysics
Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN),Galactic Objects (Supernova Remnants, Cosmic Ray, Planetary Nebulae, HII regions, Pulsars, Interstellar Medium)
The URSI Young Scientists Award’, issued by URSI in Netherlands, Aug. 2002
‘The Top Ten Scientific and Technical Progress of Astronomy of China in 2008’, March 2009
Member of Review Panel: Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) Project (https://www.nature.com/news/chinese-mountain-observatory-to-probe-cosmic-ray-origins-1.21631), Beijing, Oct. 2016
Chair of Xiangshan Science Conferences (518th): Inter-discipline Frontier of Cosmic Ray Origin in Astronomy & Physics (http://www.xssc.ac.cn/ConfRead.aspx?ItemID=2393), Beijing, Dec. 2014
SOC Member of Conference: Advance Astrophysics with the Square Kilometer Array (SKA), Giardini Naxos, Italy, June 2014 (http://astronomers.skatelescope.org/documents/aaska14/)
Editor: Proceedings of Science (PoS): Advancing Astrophysics with the SKA (AASKA14), 2015
1. Yang A.Y.; Tian W.W. (Communication Author(CA)), Zhu H., Leahy D.A., Wu D. 2016, ApJS, ‘Kinematic Distances of Galactic Planetary Nebulae’, 223, 6
2. Zhu H., Tian W. W. (CA), Wu D. 2015, MNRAS, ‘Suzaku observation of supernova remnant G332.5-5.6’, 452, 3470
3. Tian W.W. (CA), Leahy D.A. 2014, ApJ Letters, ‘SNR G349.7+0.2, A gamma-ray source in the far 3 kpc arm of Galactic center’, 783, 1
4. Tian W.W. (CA), Leahy D.A. 2013, ApJ Letters, ‘High velocity HI is not associated with TeV supernova remnant W51C’, 769, 17
5. Tian W.W (CA)., Leahy D.A. 2012, MNRAS, ‘Distances of the TeV supernova remnant complex CTB 37 towards the Galactic bar’, 451, 2593
6. Tian W.W., (CA) Leahy D.A. 2011, ApJ Letters, ‘Tycho SN 1572: A Naked Ia SNR without Associated Ambient Molecular Cloud’, 729, 15
7. Tian W.W. (CA), Li Z., Leahy D.A. et al. 2010, ApJ, ‘X-ray emission from HESS J1731347/SNR G353.60.7and Central Compact Source XMMS J173203344518’, 712, 790
8. Tian W.W. (CA), Leahy D.A. 2010, MNRAS Letters, ‘Distance to the SNR CTB 109/AXP 1E2259+586 by HI absorption and self-absorption’, 404, L1
9. Tian W.W., Leahy D.A., Haverkorn M., Jiang B. 2008, ApJ Letters, ‘Discovery of the radio and X-ray counterpart of TeV ray source HESS J1731347’, 679, L85
10. Tian W.W., Leahy D.A. 2008, ApJ, 'The distance and age of the SNR Kes 73 and AXP 1E184-1045', 677, 292
11. Tian W.W., Leahy D.A. 2008, MNRAS Letters, ‘The distances of SNRs Kes 69 and G21.50.9 from HI and 13CO spectra’, 391, L54
12. Tian W.W., Li Z., Leahy D.A. & Wang D.Q. 2007, ApJ Letters, 'VLA and XM-Newton observations of the SNR W41/HESS source J1834087', 657, L25
13. Tian W.W., Leahy D.A. & Foster T. 2007, A&A, 'Discovery of a new faint radio SNR G108.20.6', 465, 907
14. Tian W.W., Haverkorn M. & Zhang H.Y. 2007, MNRAS, 'Characteristics of SNR G351.7+0.8 and a distance argument against its association with PSR J17213532',378, 1283
15. Tian W.W., Leahy D.A. & Wang Q.D. 2007, A&A, 'Radio and X-ray images of the SNR G18.8+0.3 interacting with molecular clouds', 474, 541