国台学术报告 NAOC COLLOQUIUM 2012年 第03次 / Number 03,2012
Speaker: Dr. Kambiz Fathi (Stockholm Observatory) Time: Wednesday, 3:00 PM, Feb. 8, 2012 Location: NAOC A601 
Dr. Kambiz Fathi is an associate professor in astrophysics at Stockholm University. His astrophysics research aims at understanding the origin and dynamical evolution of spiral galaxies and the fuelling of supermassive black holes. He use mathematical models to interpret multi-wavelength images and spectra obtained with all major instruments mounted on world’s leading astronomical observatories.
Abstract: I will present some recent results from Integral Field Spectrographs and Fabry-Perot Interferometers which provide a unique data set for studying dynamics of galaxies. The main focus of this talk will be on the sub-class of spiral galaxies, and the connection between their large-scale dynamics and nuclear activity. In particular, I will elaborate on the role of streaming along bars and spiral arms and the corresponding effects on phase transition of the interstellar medium. Quantfying these effects will provide constrains on our galaxy formation and evolution theories.
All are welcome!Tea, coffee, biscuits will be served at 2:45 P.M.