国台学术报告 NAOC COLLOQUIUM 2012年 第06次 / Number 06, 2012
Speaker: Dr. Jin Min Yang (Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS) Time: Wednesday, 3:00 PM, Feb. 22, 2012 Location: NAOC A601
Dr. JinminYang is a professor at te Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He did his doctorate in science at the Institute of Theoretical Physics. He was a postdoctoral researcher at the Northwestern University and Iowa State University, USA. Then he was in Japen for a postdoctoral research position at Tohoku University. His main research interests are new physics (especially supersymmetry) phenomenology and the correlated cosmic dark matter, Higgs physics, and top quark physics. 
Abstract: This talk will cover the following topics: (1) What is Higgs boson ? Why it is called God Particle ? (2) The status of Higgs boson search; (3) Dark matter and its search status; (4) What is supersymmetry ? Why we need supersymmetry ? (5) Correlation between Higgs, dark matter and supersymmetry.
All are welcome!Tea, coffee, biscuits will be served at 2:45 P.M. |