国台学术报告 NAOC COLLOQUIUM 2012年 第16次 / Number 16, 2012
Mapping the dark universe with cosmic magnification Pengjie Zhang/张鹏杰 (SHAO) Time: Wednesday, 3:00 PM, Apr. 25, 2012 Location: NAOC A601 
Zhang, Pengjie, a professor at Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO). He got B.S. in 1997 from Peking university and Ph.D. in 2003 from university of Toronto. He was a postdoc at Fermilab from 2003 to 2005. From 2005, he works at SHAO. His research focuses on theoretical cosmology, especially the large scale structure of the universe and its cosmological and astrophysical applications.
Webpage: http://center.shao.ac.cn/pjzhang/index.html
We develop a new tool to generate statistically precise dark matter maps from the cosmic magnification of galaxies with redshift estimates. We show how to overcome the intrinsic clustering problem using the slope of the luminosity function, because magnificability changes strongly over the luminosity function, while intrinsic clustering only changes weakly. This may allow accuracy weak lensing cosmology beyond most current systematic limitations.
All are welcome!Tea, coffee, biscuits will be served at 2:45 P.M.