From 17 to 20 April 2017, the vice president of Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS), Prof. En-ge Wang, visited the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias of Spain (IAC) and the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS of Spain (GTC). The Director of IAC, Prof. Rafael Rebolo and the Director of GTC, Prof. Romano Corradi meet with Prof. Wang and give clear introduction on IAC and GTC respectively. Prof. Gang Zhao, the deputy Director General of National Astronomical Observatories, CAS (NAOC) accompanied Prof. Wang to visit IAC and GTC this time.
Prof. Wang also visited the SONG (Stellar Observations Network Group) project which is a joint project with 1-metre telescopes among China, Denmark and Spain to observe Astronomical objects in a joint frame. Prof. Wang also talked with scientists about the new 4-metre class robotic telescope for time domain and the 4-metre European Solar Telescope (EST) about the possible bilateral collaborations in the future.
Prof. Wang also attended the international conference titled as "Preserving the skies: 10 years after the Starlight Declaration" which was held in La Palma. In the conference, Prof. Wang met with the IAU president, Prof. Silvia Torres-Peimbert and the officer of UNESCO etc.
NAOC and IAC signed the MoU for collaborations in May 2016 in Beijing, and the Agreement between NAOC and GTC was signed in September 2016 in Madrid of Spain. NAOC will develop deep collaborations with IAC and GTC on Astronomical Instruments, young scientist exchanges, research and education etc. This visit will help to improve the collaborations in Astronomy between China and Spain under the “Belt and Road” frame.