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Multiwavelength study of nearly face-on low surface brightness disk galaxies TEXT SIZE: A A A
Galaxies are enormous collections of stars and other types of matter in space. Low surface brightness galaxies are a type of galaxy that is relatively dim compared to other galaxies. This study describes a new way to test the ages of low surface brightness galaxies. The result is that their ages are approximately the same as other types of galaxies, but with a slight difference, which gives some insights into the formation and evolution of these structures.Galaxies are enormous collections of stars and other types of matter in space. Low surface brightness galaxies are a type of galaxy that is relatively dim compared to other galaxies. This study describes a new way to test the ages of low surface brightness galaxies. The result is that their ages are approximately the same as other types of galaxies, but with a slight difference, which gives some insights into the formation and evolution of these structures.
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