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- From gravitational to plasma lensing12 02, 2020
- The halo mass function of late-type galaxies from HI kinematics11 09, 2020
- Stellar dynamics around the supermassive black hole at the Galactic center11 09, 2020
- A comprehensive survey of dense gas structures and star formation in Cygnus-X10 27, 2020
- Dark matter halos from inside out: the dynamical state, distribution and boundary of halos10 21, 2020
- Testing modifications of gravity from galaxy motions on cosmological scales10 12, 2020
- The CHIME telescope: probing of Dark Energy, Fast Radio Bursts and the Gravitational Wave Background09 28, 2020
- Upcoming Colloquium07 03, 2020
- Neolithic (Stone Age) “Record” of Astronomical Transients?07 03, 2020
- Cosmology with X-ray Galaxy Clusters11 14, 2018