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- Professional and Amateur Astronomical Observations above the Atacama Desert11 08, 2018
- Massive black holes along the cosmic history: formation, dynamics and gravitational waves10 10, 2018
- Numerical studay of AGN feedback09 13, 2018
- Extreme Quasars During the Cosmic Dawn06 27, 2018
- Near and Long Term Plans at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope05 09, 2018
- Seeing clearly: How the new technology of adaptive optics is transforming optical astronomy03 14, 2018
- On Astronomical Studies of the Space Weather Effects of Habitable Exoplanets and the Earth01 16, 2018
- Modified Gravity as an Explanation for Cosmic Acceleration and Its Cosmological Probes(NAOC colloquium_No.19/2017)07 19, 2017
- Galaxy Kinematics and Cosmology from Accurately Modeling the Redshift-Space Galaxy Clustering(NAOC colloquium_No.20/2017)07 19, 2017
- Fast Radio Bursts: The Story So Far (NAOC colloquium_No.39/2016)12 07, 2016