The Key Laboratory of Space Astronomy and Technology focuses on space projects for the frontier subjects in astrophysics, and develops the key space astronomical techniques in the wavelength from the infrared, optical, ultraviolet, to soft x-ray band. The lab are now working on three space projects: Space multi-band Variable Objects Monitor (SVOM), Multi-band sky survey project, and Einstein Probe (EP). SVOM is a space mission dedicated for gamma-ray bursts with joint supports from China and France space agencies. The multi-band sky survey project is a mission for study the large scale structure of the Universe. EP is a space mission designed to detect soft X-ray transients.
In 1999, AI Guoxiang, an academician of CAS, built the Laboratory of Space Astronomy and Technology. In 2010, NAOC listed the two directions—the research of black hole and other violently active objects, space astronomy and technology—as the key cultivatable directions. The division of space science was established in NAOC in 2011, by integrating the research groups and technique labs relevant to space astronomy and technology. In 2014, The Laboratory of Space Astronomy and Technology pasted the review and became one of the CAS’ key laboratories.

Address: 20A Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China code: 100012
Tel: 010-64888708 E-mail: