Colloquia and Seminar
- 03-22-2021Studies on low-mass satellite galaxies and faint diffuse stellar halos of iso...
- 03-15-2021Touring the stages of star and planet formation
- 01-18-2021Resources and Services at National Astronomical Data Center
- 01-14-2021The Hubble Tension and the Magnetic Universe
- 12-21-2020Search for Fast radio bursts with Chinese radio telescopes
- 12-14-2020Measuring distances of quasars through geometric method
- 12-09-2020Fast inflows directly feeding quasar accretion disks
- 12-02-2020Einstein Probe: exploring the dynamic X-ray universe
- 12-02-2020From gravitational to plasma lensing
- 11-09-2020The halo mass function of late-type galaxies from HI kinematics
- 11-09-2020Stellar dynamics around the supermassive black hole at the Galactic center
- 10-27-2020A comprehensive survey of dense gas structures and star formation in Cygnus-X
- 10-21-2020Dark matter halos from inside out: the dynamical state, distribution and boun...
- 10-12-2020Testing modifications of gravity from galaxy motions on cosmological scales
- 09-28-2020The CHIME telescope: probing of Dark Energy, Fast Radio Bursts and the Gravit...
Projects and Platforms
Research Programs
Lunar-based Ultraviolet Telescope (LUT)
01 20, 2017
The 21 CentiMeter Array (21CMA)
01 20, 2017

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Address: 20A Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China code: 100012
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