
09 11, 2020

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 1Graduate Studies Introduction


NAOC can offer doctoral and master degree in all sub-field in astronomy, including astrophysics, astrometry, celestial mechanics and astronomical technology. About 280 graduate students are currently enrolled in NAOC.


We offer:

Master of Science

Doctor of Philosophy


The main research directions:


Stellar Abundances and Galactic Evolution

Stars and Stellar Systems

Large-field Multi-color Sky Survey

Compact Objects and Diffuse Medium

Solar Radio Research

Solar Magnetism & Activity

Solar Activity Prediction

Astrometry and Celestial Mechanics

Planetary exploration and researches

Application of Astronomy


2The UCAS School of Astronomy and Space Science


The UCAS School of Astronomy and Space Science was founded in June 2015 by NAOC with the help of nine supporting institutes, its Dean being the director of NAOC.  The School of Astronomy and Space Science already organises course teaching for roughly 150 graduate students, and about 20 third-year and forth-year undergraduates who intend to graduate as astronomy majors.  

The School intends to develop well-rounded students with not only theoretical understanding but also creative imaginations and practical skills.  The main Yanqihu campus will host a substantial teaching telescope and laboratories for building both optical and radio instruments.


The School of Astronomy and Space Science has 9 teaching and research sections

Teaching and Research Section of Galaxies and Cosmology

Teaching and Research Section of Star and Galaxy

Teaching and Research Section of Solar Physics

Teaching and Research Section of Planet and Planetary System

Teaching and Research Section of Astrometry and Celestial Mechanics

Teaching and Research Section of Time Service and Navigation

Teaching and Research Section of Astronomical technologis and Methods

Teaching and Research Section of Space Science

Comprehensive Teaching and Research Section



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