The Center for Astronomical Mega-Science (CAMS) was approved by CAS in July 2015, with the aim of coordinating China’s major astronomical activities. It is relying on NAOC to run. It is co-established by NAOC (including sub-institutes), Purple Mountain Observatory, and Shanghai Observatory.
Together with its constituting institutes, CAMS is managing the design, construction, and operation of major national astronomical facilities, which include, but are not limited to, LAMOST, FAST, the Shanghai 65m Radio Telescope (Tianma) , a cluster of solar telescopes, the 2.5m Kunlun Dark Universe Survey Telescope (KDUST) and the 5m Dome A Terahertz Explorer (DATE5) in Antarctica, and the astronomical observational facilities onboard China's space station. CAMS and its constituting institutes also vigorously participate in international projects, such as TMT and SKA etc., and cover broad research fields and promote advanced technological innovations.

Address: 20A Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China code: 100012
Tel: 010-64888708 E-mail: