Detector Laboratory for Astronomy (affiliated to Optical Astronomical Division).
The requirements of the detectors for modern telescopes are often quite difficult to satisfy. Each of their individual equipment is often unique, and hard to procure at market and needs to be customed. The Detector Laboratory for Astronomy (ADL) of NAOC contributes to the development, maintenance, testing and calibration for astronomical telescopes.
For the last 7 years, ADL has been taking the responsibility of routine maintenance and optimization of the detector system for the LAMOST Spectrograph. The detector system consists of 32 CCD cameras. ADL services the maintenance, trouble shooting and adjustment, and optimizations of these cameras. ADL also developed the new guiding camera for LAMOST, the installing space of which is strictly limited.
ADL developed the CCD camera for the high resolution spectrograph of the Xinglong 2.16m telescope. ADL also developed the CCD camera for Urumqi Observatory. Also in detector tests and calibrations, ADL provided services of detector tests and calibrations for NAOC in UV, visible and IR bands.
Now, the 4-channel CCD camera for Yunnan Observatory (YNAO) is under development in ADL. ADL also takes part in the ministudy of the TMT MOBIE detector system and has started a study of ASIC development for a CCD controller.
Vacuum leakage detecting and cryogenic testing
CCD camera

Address: 20A Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China code: 100012
Tel: 010-64888708 E-mail: