2.16 m Telescope
The 2.16m telescope is the first 2-meter class astronomical telescope designed and built by astronomers and engineers in China. It won the first-class National Scientific and Technological Progress Award. This telescope is capable of optical imaging and spectroscopic observations. The aperture of the primary mirror is 2.16 meters. It has both Cassegrain and Coude foci. The available instruments include a high resolution fiber-fed spectrograph (HRS), the Beijing Faint Object Spectroscopy and Camera (BFOSC) and the OMR Cassegrain focus Spectrograph.

Copyright © National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Address: 20A Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China code: 100012
Tel: 010-64888708 E-mail: naoc@nao.cas.cn
Address: 20A Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China code: 100012
Tel: 010-64888708 E-mail: naoc@nao.cas.cn