2nd Announcement for the IAU Symposium 323

This is the 2nd announcement for the IAU Symposium 323 - Planetary nebulae: Multi-wavelength probes of stellar and galactic evolution to be held on October 10-14, 2016, in Beijing, China. The Symposium will encompass all aspects of the impact and importance of planetary nebulae (PNe) on stellar and galactic evolution. In particular, the following topics will be covered. 

- New challenges to surveys of PNe in the Local Group 

- PNe as a versatile laboratory of dust and molecular studies 

- From the asymptotic giant branch to the white dwarf stellar phases 

- The connection between binary evolution and the PN phenomena 

- PNe as probes of galactic chemical evolution and dynamics 

- PNe outside of the local group 

- PNe and forefront instrumentation 

Invited speakers: F Bresolin, L Coccato, G Delgado-Inglada, F Dell'Agli, X Fang, D Frew, D Jones, J Kalirai, H Kim, S Kwok, E Lagadec, A Longobardi, M Lugaro, M Manteiga, R Mendez, B Miszalski, M Molla, R Montez, C Morisset, J Nordhaus, S Ramstedt, L Sabin, G Sloan, R Stancliffe, N Sterling, K-W Suh, S Torres-Peimbert, G van de Steene, Y Zhang 

Contributed talks will be selected from the submitted titles and abstracts. Two discussion sessions, one on modeling and data and another on PNe and forefront instrumentation, will be arranged, as well as splash sessions for posters. 

The IAU is offering a limited number of grants to support non-Chinese participants without other means. Priority will be given to under-represented and disadvantaged groups (all according to the IAU rules).  Grant applications should be sent to iaus323@pku.edu.cn no later than May 31, 2016. The results will be notified by June 30, 2016.   

Important dates: 

1.April 1, 2016: Opening of early registration, as well as submission of oral and poster contributions; 

2.May 31, 2016: Deadline for oral contributions and grant applications; 

3.June 30, 2016: Deadline for poster contributions; Grant application results notified; 

4.July 31, 2016: Closing of early registration. 

More information will be found on the conference's home page at http://iaus323.pku.edu.cn/ 

NB: The IAU follows the regulations of the International Council for Science(ICSU) and concurs with the actions undertaken by their Standing Committee on Freedom in the Conduct of Science on non-discrimination and universality of science. 

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