Research Progress
- 03-18-2021LAMOST Helps Detect Dust in the Outskirts of Andromeda Galaxy and Triangulum Galaxy
- 03-11-2021Mass Segregation of the Galaxy Globular Clusters
- 03-10-2021Chinese researchers' new view on elements in the interstellar medium
- 03-10-2021Chinese Solar Telescope Reveals Acceleration of Magnetic Reconnection
- 03-05-2021FAST Captures Distant Fast Radio Bursts from the Youth of Universe
- 03-01-2021Peeping the Milky Way’s merging history: Reconstructing the Cetus Stream
- 03-01-2021Towards the precision to detect Exo-Earth by precise calibration
- 02-25-2021FAST reveals jitter mode in millisecond pulsars for the first time
- 02-22-2021Stellar Kinematics of the Galactic Disc
- 02-22-2021First Black Hole Ever Detected is More Massive Than We Thought
- 02-09-2021LAMOST: Unprecedented Perspective on Chemistry across the Milky Way
- 01-27-2021First Investigation of the Local Properties of Sagittarius Stream with LAMOST Data
- 01-26-2021First catalog of central velocity dispersion of LAMOST galaxies released
- 01-12-2021Giant 2D Atlas of the Universe Helps Dark Energy Spectroscopic Survey
- 01-08-2021Chinese researchers obtained the most complete Type Ia supernova Template

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Address: 20A Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China code: 100012
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