Research Progress
- 01-23-2015Modeling the Dynamics of the Orion Nebula
- 01-19-2015Discovering Multiple Exoplanet Systems Hidden in Kepler Data
- 11-25-2014The sub-millimeter telescope (CCOSMA) got the first light successfully in Tibet
- 10-31-2014NAOC Researchers proposed a new method to measure neutrino masses
- 09-19-2014NAOC researchers reveal the physical environment of the unusual supernova remnant W49B
- 09-10-2014NAOC researchers participated indiscovering the Pebble-Size Dust Grains in the Orion Nebula, adva...
- 08-07-2014Invited News & Views article in Nature
- 07-11-2014NAOC Researchers observed young star-forming cores with extremely high densities
- 07-04-2014The extreme Kerr black hole in Cygnus X-1 is confirmed
- 06-13-2014Nearest Bright 'Hypervelocity Star' Found with LAMOST
- 06-09-2014Binarity of F, G and K stars as a function of effective temperature and metallicity
- 03-26-2014PhD student at NAOC solves the Local Void problem in LCDM
- 05-12-2011NAOC Researchers Received the 2011 PRACE Award
- 03-09-2011Xuyi Schmidt Telescope Photometric Survey of the Galactic Anti-center successfully completed
- 01-14-2011Cosmic Magnifying Lenses Distorts the View of the Most Distant Galaxies

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Address: 20A Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China code: 100012
Tel: 010-64888708 E-mail: