Societies & Publications
- 04-07-2016The orbital phase resolved spectroscopy of X-ray binary 4U 1822–371 with Suzaku
- 04-07-2016A low-mass-ratio and deep contact binary as the progenitor of the merger V1309 Sco
- 04-07-2016Photometric studies of two W UMa type variables in the field of distant open cluster NGC 6866
- 04-07-2016Contribution of the Earth’s gravitational potential to variations in orbital motion of short-per...
- 04-07-2016Structures of GMC W 37
- 02-29-2016Water abundance in four of the brightest water sources in the southern sky
- 02-29-2016A sample of galaxy pairs identified from the LAMOST spectral survey and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- 02-29-2016Orbital correlation of space objects based on orbital elements
- 02-29-2016A magnetic model for low/hard state of black hole binaries
- 02-29-2016Small glitches: the role of strange nuggets?
- 02-29-2016GalevNB: a conversion from N-body simulations to observations

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Address: 20A Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China code: 100012
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