Research Progress
- 06-09-2020Double-Peaked Profiles Recognition and Evaluation Frame Based on LAMOST Spectroscopy
- 06-08-2020China and Europe together launch ESASky in Chinese
- 06-01-2020Researchers Identified New N-rich Metal-poor Field Stars from LAMOST DR5
- 05-13-2020Discovery: New Moving Group in the Local Arm of the Milky Way
- 05-06-2020The first large catalogue of molecular clouds in the Galactic plane with accurate distances
- 04-26-2020Chinese Researchers Find Late-type Eclipsing Binaries Have Ten Times Higher Flare Frequency than ...
- 04-23-2020FAST Discovery of an Eclipsing Binary Millisecond Pulsar in Globular Cluster M92
- 04-20-2020Chinese Astronomers Find Chromospheric Apparent Fan-shaped Jets Nearby Sunspots
- 04-20-2020Deriving the Stellar Labels of LAMOST Spectra with the Stellar LAbel Machine (SLAM)
- 04-14-2020Chinese scientists reveal the possible origin of the first cluster in the giant molecular cloud
- 03-25-2020Origin of the first known interstellar object ‘Oumuamua
- 04-10-2020International researchers find a large population of low-metallicity stars permeates the Milky Wa...
- 04-08-2020LAMOST Released its Seventh Data (DR7) to the Public
- 03-18-2020Discovery of Two Nearby Young Stellar Associations in the Milky Way
- 03-06-2020Chinese Astronomers Find 245 Cataclysmic Variables from LAMOST DR5

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Address: 20A Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China code: 100012
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