Research Progress
- 08-31-2020Chinese solar physicists reveal the complete physical scenario of the sympathetic eruption of two...
- 08-25-2020LAMOST view of the temporal variability of stellar activity in young late-type stars
- 08-24-2020Zooming in on the Dark Matter
- 08-19-2020First measurement of the global magnetic field in the solar corona
- 08-17-2020First LAMOST Catalogue of RV Variable Star Candidates
- 08-17-2020A New Study Verifies the Role of Angular Momentum in Molecular Clouds
- 08-03-2020Dome A in Antarctica is the Best Site for Optical Astronomical Observation on Earth
- 07-29-2020First imaging and spectral study on a solar fan-spine
- 07-23-2020First catalog of central velocity dispersion of LAMOST galaxies released
- 07-20-2020NAOC scientists made a crucial step towards understanding Dark Energy
- 07-16-2020New evidence for the origin of warp in the Milky Way
- 07-06-2020Study reveals the secret life of Lithium in Sun-like stars: Created not just destroyed
- 06-30-2020The First FAST detection of neutral hydrogen emission from extragalactic galaxies
- 06-28-2020Supermassive Binary Black Hole Hunter: SKA Pulsar Timing Array
- 06-16-2020Black hole’s heart still beating

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Address: 20A Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China code: 100012
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