Research Progress
- 08-12-2019Enormous "cannonballs" of plasma spotted hurtling around the sun
- 07-18-2019China’s plans to solve the mysteries of the Moon
- 07-12-2019Chinese astronomers construct the largest high-resolution Li-rich giant sample with LAMOST
- 07-12-2019Searching the predecessor of the merging galaxy
- 06-27-2019LAMOST released the Fifth Data Release (DR5) internationally
- 06-24-2019The Largest Catalog of O/B-Type Stars with the Spectral Information
- 05-27-2019Dark space cloud caught donning halo of hydrogen molecules
- 05-23-2019LAMOST first depicts the precise three-dimensional orbital distribution of the Sagittarius stream
- 05-15-2019China's Chang'E 4 mission discovered new "secrets" from far side of the moon
- 05-13-2019'Alien' Star Provides Potential Clue about Evolution of Universe
- 04-29-2019Chemical evidence shows how a dwarf galaxy contributes to the growth of the Milky Way
- 04-22-2019Rotating Halo Traced by the K-giant Stars by LAMOST and Gaia
- 04-04-2019Scientists expect astronomical breakthroughs with FAST
- 04-01-2019Chinese telescope collects more than 11 mln spectra
- 03-29-2019DR6: LAMOST Spectra Entered the Era of Tens of Millions.

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Address: 20A Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China code: 100012
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