Colloquia and Seminar
- 10-14-2015Measuring the Cosmos with Gaia (NAOC colloquium_No.31/2015)
- 10-09-2015How to publish a paper in Nature (NAOC colloquium_No.30/2015)
- 09-30-2015How environment shapes galaxy evolution: the satellite galaxies' perspective ...
- 09-23-2015Inflationary Cosmology: Progress and Problems (NAOC colloquium_No.28/2015)
- 09-16-2015Probing black hole-galaxy coevolution and calibrating single-epoch virial bla...
- 09-09-2015The Astrophysics of Stellar Mass Compact Objects (NAOC colloquium_No.26/2015)
- 09-02-2015Extremely Light Dark Matter psiDM (NAOC colloquium_No.25/2015)
- 07-01-2015Millimeter and radio studies of quasars and their host galaxies in the most d...
- 06-24-2015Revealing the mysteries behind galaxy formation feedback using Bayesian compu...
- 06-17-2015An X-ray View of the Galactic Center: An Observer's Collection of Unresolved ...
Projects and Platforms
Research Programs
Lunar-based Ultraviolet Telescope (LUT)
01 20, 2017
The 21 CentiMeter Array (21CMA)
01 20, 2017

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