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New Developments in RAA
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Recursive harmonic analysis for computing Hansen coefficients [2010-12-16]
The Galactic halo magnetic field revisited [2010-12-16]
Non-similar collapse of singular isothermal spherical molecular cloud cores with nonzero initial velocities [2010-12-16]
Asteroseismic study of the red giant ? Ophiuchi [2010-12-16]
Influence of a scalar-isovector δ-meson field on the quark phase structure in neutron stars [2010-12-16]
Modeling the dynamical friction timescale of a sinking satellite [2010-12-15]
Multiwavelength study of nearly face-on low surface brightness disk galaxies [2010-12-15]
Contradiction between strong lensing statistics and a feedback solution to the cusp/core problem [2010-12-15]
Dust growth in protoplanetary disks – a comprehensive experimental/theoretical approach [2010-12-15]
A critique of supernova data analysis in cosmology [2010-12-15]

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