CAS Members
  • Shouguan Wang (1923-2021)

    Academic title:


  • Ziyuan Ouyang

    Positions: Professor
    Academic title: Professor

  • Jiansheng Chen

    Positions: Professor
    Academic title: Professor

    Member of IAU special nominating committee Chair of Recommendation Committee for Shaw Astronomy Prize Member of Standing Committee of Math-Physics Academic Division of Chinese Academy of Sciences Director of Department of Astronomy, Peking University

  • Guoxiang Ai

    Positions: Researcher
    Academic title: Astronomer/Professor

    Mr. Ai Guo-xiang was elected the Academician of the Chinese Academy of Science in 1993, and was elected the Academician of The Third World Academy of Sciences in 2002. Senior Research Fellow of the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The former Director of the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The former Director of the Mathematical and Physical Academic Division of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The Standing Committee of the China Association for Science and Technology. The adviser of Specialist Committee of the National Astronautics High-tech Field. The member of the 973 Program Adviser Group of National Ministry of Science and Technology. The Chairman of the No.10 Commission of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in 1997-2000.

  • Youyuan Zhou (1938-2021)

    Academic title:


  • Xiangping Wu

    Positions: Professor
    Academic title: Professor


  • Jingxiu Wang

    Positions: Researcher/Professor
    Academic title: Astronomer/Professor

    1993-2009 Organizing Committee Members of IAU Commissions 10 and 12, respectively. 1998-2010 Editorial Board Member of Solar Physics. 2001-2012 Co-Editor-in-Chief of Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics).

  • Jin Chang

    Positions: Member of CAS, Director of NAOC
    Academic title: Professor


  • Gang Zhao

    Positions: Professor
    Academic title: Professor

    IAU Special nomination Committee member Member of the physics and Astronomy Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council of China