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New Developments in RAA
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Recovering the pulse profiles and polarization position angles of some pulsars from interstellar scattering [2012-04-25]
The debris disk candidates: eleven 24 μm excess stars in the Spitzer SWIRE fields [2012-04-25]
Order and chaos in a galactic model with a strong nuclear bar [2012-04-25]
Peculiar early-type galaxies with central star formation [2012-04-25]
An interacting two-fluid scenario for dark energy in a Bianchi type-I cosmological model [2012-04-25]
Numerical analysis of modal tomography for solar multi-conjugate adaptive optics [2012-04-12]
Relative flux calibration for the Guoshoujing Telescope (LAMOST) [2012-04-12]
M dwarf stars — the by-product of X-ray selected AGN candidates [2012-04-12]
The new RS CVn binary V1034 Her revisited and the orbital period — activity relation of short-period RS CVn binaries using photometric distortion amplitude [2012-04-12]
A new photometric study of the triple star system EF Draconis [2012-04-12]
Physical origin of multi-wavelength emission of GRB 100418A and implications for its progenitor [2012-03-31]
The relationships of solar flares with both sunspot and geomagnetic activity [2012-03-31]
Comparing the behavior of orbits in different 3D dynamical models for elliptical galaxies [2012-03-31]
Discovery of Balmer broad absorption lines in the quasar LBQS 1206+1052 [2012-03-31]
On the emission lines in active galactic nuclei with relativistic jets [2012-03-31]
Calculation of the structural properties of asymmetrical nuclear matter [2012-03-11]
A numerical study of self-gravitating protoplanetary disks [2012-03-11]
Periodicity in the most violent solar eruptions: recent observations of coronal mass ejections and flares revisited [2012-03-11]
Ensemble prediction model of solar proton events associated with solar flares and coronal mass ejections [2012-03-11]
The surge-like eruption of a miniature filament [2012-03-11]

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