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New Developments in RAA
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Interaction and eruption of two filaments observed by Hinode, SOHO, and STEREO [2012-02-21]
Reanalysis of the RXTE observations of the black-hole candidate XTE J1650–500 in the 2001/2002 outburst [2012-02-21]
Could bright gamma-ray burst optical transients have been recorded historically? [2012-02-21]
On the non-evolution of the dependence of black hole masses on bolometric luminosities for QSOs [2012-02-21]
Star formation properties in barred galaxies (SFB) II. NGC 2903 and NGC 7080 [2012-02-21]
Polynomial regression calculation of the Earth’s position based on millisecond pulsar timing [2012-02-06]
The use of laser ranging to measure space debris [2012-02-06]
Determination of the chromospheric quiet network element area index and its variation between 2008 and 2011 [2012-02-06]
Temporal variation of hemispheric solar rotation [2012-02-06]
Near-infrared observations of the Be/X-ray binary pulsar A0535+262 [2012-02-06]
Studies of a possible new Herbig Ae/Be star in the open cluster NGC 7380 [2012-01-21]
First PPMXL photometric analysis of open cluster Ruprecht 15 [2012-01-21]
Radio observations of the first three-months of Fermi AGN at 4.8 GHz [2012-01-21]
On the origin of X-shaped radio galaxies [2012-01-21]
2MASS photometry and age estimation of the globular clusters in the outer halo of M31 [2012-01-21]
Model-fitting of the kinematics of superluminal components in blazar 3C 279 [2011-12-26]
String cosmological models in the Brans-Dicke theory for five-dimensional space-time [2011-12-26]
Interacting viscous entropy-corrected holographic scalar field models of dark energy with time-varying G in modified FRW cosmology [2011-12-26]
The reliability of age measurements for Young Stellar Objects from Hertzsprung-Russell or color-magnitude diagrams [2011-12-26]
The prediction method of similar cycles [2011-12-06]

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