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New Developments in RAA
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Possible origin of the Damocloids: the scattered disk or a new region? [2012-11-14]
Formation flying in elliptic orbits with the J2 perturbation [2012-11-14]
Trailing (L5) Neptune Trojans: 2004 KV18 and 2008 LC18 [2012-11-14]
Analysis of the CME-driven shock from the SEP event that occurred on 2006 December 14 [2012-11-14]
Population synthesis of ultra-compact X-ray binaries [2012-11-14]
Spectral cutoffs of Fermi-LAT GRBs 080916C and 090926A [2012-10-31]
A survey of CO and its isotope lines for possible cloud-cloud collision candidates [2012-10-31]
The properties of a large volume-limited sample of face-on low surface brightness disk galaxies [2012-10-31]
The connection between radio and γ-ray emission in Fermi/LAT blazars [2012-10-31]
Bianchi–V string cosmological model and late time acceleration [2012-10-31]
Bianchi type V universe with bulk viscous matter and time varying gravitational and cosmological constants [2012-10-31]
The effect of Compton scattering on gamma-ray spectra of the 2005 January 20 flare [2012-09-28]
Comprehensive spectral analysis of Cyg X-1 using RXTE data [2012-09-28]
Evolution of low-mass X-ray binaries: dependence on the mass of the compact object [2012-09-28]
An object correlation and maneuver detection approach for space surveillance [2012-09-28]
Multicolor photometry of the nearby galaxy cluster A119 [2012-09-28]
Nuclear Planetology: Especially Concerning the Moon and Mars [2012-09-28]
Galactic center research: manifestations of the central black hole [2012-07-31]
X-ray spectroscopy of clusters of galaxies [2012-07-31]
Astrophysical applications of gravitational microlensing [2012-07-31]

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