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Two particular EA-type binaries in the globular cluster ω Centauri [2013-07-09]
12 GHz methanol maser outflow from the massive star-forming region: G35.20–0.74 [2013-07-09]
Model fitting of the kinematics of ten superluminal components in Blazar 3C 279 [2013-07-09]
X-ray and optical plateaus following the main bursts in GRBs and SNe II-P: a hint about similar late injection behaviors? [2013-06-03]
A two-step energy injection explanation for the rebrightenings of the multi-band afterglow of GRB 081029 [2013-06-03]
A tool for the morphological classification of galaxies: the concentration index [2013-06-03]
The redshift number density evolution of Mg II absorption systems [2013-06-03]
Testing cosmic transparency with the latest baryon acoustic oscillations and type Ia supernovae data [2013-06-03]
Transient accelerating scalar models with exponential potentials [2013-06-03]
DEFPOS Hα observations of the W80 Complex [2013-04-30]
Modeling multiband emissions from two young SNRs with a time-dependent magnetic field [2013-04-30]
The contracting and unshearing motion of flare loops in the X 7.1 flare on 2005 January 20 during its rising phase [2013-04-30]
Gravitational lensing properties of an isothermal universal halo profile [2013-04-30]
On the Lorentz factor of superluminal sources [2013-04-30]
A transitioning universe with time varying G and decaying Λ [2013-04-30]
Quark-novae in neutron star - white dwarf binaries: a model for luminous (spin-down powered) sub-Chandrasekhar-mass Type Ia supernovae? [2013-03-31]
A comparison of approaches in fitting continuum SEDs [2013-03-31]
Multi-wavelength emission from 3C 66A: clues to its redshift and gamma-ray emission location [2013-03-31]
Metal abundance and kinematical properties of the M81 globular cluster system [2013-03-31]
The bulk viscous string cosmology in an anisotropic universe with late time acceleration [2013-03-31]

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