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New Developments in RAA
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Panel positioning error and support mechanism for a 30-m THz radio telescope [2011-06-12]
Detailed analysis of fan-shaped jets in three dimensional numerical simulation [2011-06-12]
Magnetic field changes associated with three successive M-class solar flares on 2002 July 26 [2011-06-12]
A note on the discovery of a 2M_sun?pulsar [2011-06-12]
First-order phase transitions in rotating hybrid stars and pulsar glitches [2011-06-12]
C2H, HC3N and HNC observations in OMC-2/3 [2011-05-20]
On the fairness of the main galaxy sample of SDSS [2011-05-20]
Dark energy constraints from joint analysis of standard rulers and standard candles [2011-05-20]
Comment on “Constraining the smoothness parameter and dark energy using observational H(z) data" [2011-05-20]
Origin of power-law X-ray emission in the steep power-law state of X-ray binaries [2011-05-20]
The supernova remnant CTB 37B and its associated magnetar CXOU J171405.7–381031: evidence for a magnetar-driven remnant [2011-05-20]
Instability of the cometary plasma tail — the instability in a plasma sheet [2011-05-07]
Possible radio precursors / signatures of the CMEs onset: radio type III bursts and fine structures in the centimeter-metric wavelength region [2011-05-07]
A time series of filament eruptions observed by three eyes from space: from failed to successful eruptions [2011-05-07]
Absolute parameters and physical nature of two W-UMa type binaries: V1123 Tau and V1128 Tau [2011-05-07]
Search for pulsations in the LMXB EXO 0748–676 [2011-05-07]
Metallicity calibration for solar type stars based on red spectra [2011-04-20]
Shock fragmentation model for gravitational collapse [2011-04-20]
Submillimeter / millimeter observations of the molecular clouds associated with Tycho's supernova remnant [2011-04-20]
Detailed study of B037 based on HST images [2011-04-20]

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